my $ip = $1;
say $ip;
use LWP::UserAgent;
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
$ua->agent('Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_9_1) AppleWebKit
/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/33.0.1750.117 Safari/537.36');
$d = $ua->get("https://www.esolutions.se/whatsmyinfo");
$d->decoded_content =~ /
$ip = $1;
say $ip;
use 5.014;
no warnings;
use WWW::Mechanize;
use Getopt::Std;
our $opt_n;
my $keywords = join("+", @ARGV);
my $limit = $opt_n // 6;
if ($keywords eq "") {
say <new();
# youtube query URL
my $url = "http://www.youtube.com/results?hl=en&search_query=$keywords";
say "try to search for $limit results ...\n" . $url . "\n\n";
$mech->get( $url );
# http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XXXXXXXXXXX
my $ref = $mech->find_all_links( url_regex => qr/watch\?v=/i );
# for all valid video links
for (@$ref) {
if ($_->url() =~ /watch\?v=.{11}/ and $_->text() !~ /Watch Later/) {
say $_->url_abs();
say $_->text();
last if not $limit;
xferlog parser
#Dec 21 17:07:08 nat235 pure-ftpd: (?@ [INFO] ioi32 is now logged in
use 5.014;
system('sudo cat /var/log/xferlog | grep "logged" | grep "Dec 22" > log1');
my %table = ();
# record src IP
open F, "<", "log1";
while () {
my @line = split;
$table{$line[7]} //= [];
if (not $line[5] ~~ @{$table{$line[7]}}) {
push $table{$line[7]}, $line[5];
close F;
for (sort keys %table) {
say "$_ @{$table{$_}}";
socket programming
- server
use 5.014;
use IO::Socket;
my $server = "";
my $sock = new IO::Socket::INET ( LocalHost => $server, LocalPort => 6667,
Proto => 'tcp', Listen => 5, Reuse => 1)
or die "ERROR in Socket Creation : $!\n";
# accept a connection from client
while (my $client = $sock->accept()) {
say "accept a connetion!";
while (<$client>) {
print $client "--> $_";
print "--> $_";
socket programming
- client
use 5.014;
use IO::Socket;
my $server = "";
# connect to the IRC server.
my $sock = new IO::Socket::INET(PeerAddr => $server,
PeerPort => 6667,
Proto => 'tcp',
Blocking => 1) or die "Can't connect\n";
print $sock "blah\n";
while (<$sock>) {
print $sock "c --> $_";
print "c --> $_";
class: center, middle, inverse
Any questions?
name: inverse
class: center, middle, inverse
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